domingo, 12 de enero de 2014

Block 3 (Units 7-9)

Things to happen. Share an experience about a time when you lost or broke something. Think of a short anecdote about something that happened to you this week. Share your ideas.


When I finished my project for 3D class, I saving my USB. But then, I want to see something in my modeling human, I saw that my USB didn't recognize my USB and I just freaked out. I can't believe that my PC didn't recognize my USB, I was really scared. I was thinking in all the information that was on my USB and I would lost if didn't work it. 
Afortunaly, my USB worked after 30 minutes. It's gonna be embarrasing, but I was crying a lot that Sunday at 01:15.

Nowadays, my USB doesn't work, but all my files are in my PC and I'm saving my works and project in my global disk.
Personal Thinking for me: Save all the files and projects on Dropbox or you will lost ALL!

Diego Dueñas

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